Sangam University organising international conference ICAIR 2025

Sangam University Bhilwara, Rajasthan organising 3rd International conference on Analytical and Interdisciplinary Research (ICAIR-2025). It is scheduled from 10-12th March, 2025.

This International Conference will highlight the latest developments in the field of Engineering, Science, Management, Arts, Law, Pharmacy and Agriculture based on simulations, soft computing, hardware development and interdisciplinary research on future aspects.

This conference will provide an ideal platform to the students, researchers, industrialist and academician to highlight the recent developments and to identify the emerging and future areas of the growth in the technological and science areas. It will also bring the newer and efficient techniques for optimizing the resources required by the industries. In addition, it will provide a strong base for Industry Academician interaction.

Following are the sub themes of the conference:
Science & Technology
Medical & Health Sciences
Agriculture & Veterinary Science
Biotechnology & Nano Technology
Management and Commerce
Information Technology & Engineering
Forensic Science & Psychology
Physical Education & Sports
Arts, History & Culture
Education, Social Science, Hindi, Tourism, Lalit Kala, Law & Humanities
Any other related to area theme

Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Visit pages/ICAIR Paper Submission Guidelines and click on
2. Full length papers/ Article in covering research work, case study, theoretical, experimental, and applied including concept paper are invited by organizing committee at
3. Selected full-length papers will be published in the UGC-CARE/Scopus/SCI Journals/ Edited book and SIJMR

Important Dates

About Bhilwara

Bhilwara in Rajasthan, India is known as the “Textile City of India” because of its large textile industry. Bhilwara is place of 1800-year-old Nandsa Yup (pillar) which has engraved Sanskrit Brahmi Lipi describing the Vedic 61 days Yagya ritual. Mesolithic and Palaeolithic rock painting are located at Bijoliya region. Besides this, it has Ahar River civilization evidence at Bagaur and Kumhariya.

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