IndusInd Bank share price falls 27 percent, lapses of Rs 2100 crore in accounting surfaces

Shoolini University and RKMV Shimla organising international conference

Assistant Professor vacancies in Dayal Singh Evening College New Delhi

Animals that gives birth through their mouth

Adamas University organising international conference on AI and media

Reader’s Digest : favourite magazine of millions closed

IGU Meerpur organising international conference in Maths on hybrid mode

UGC, ICSSR and NCERT: Important facts

Ratle and kishenganga hydroelectricity project

Features of Online Copy-Catalogue System (OCS)

Benefits of eShodhSindhu

Q.1: e-ShodhSindhu came into being after merging three consortia initiatives. Which of the following is not the part of it? a) UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium  […]