Animals that gives birth through their mouth

Mouth brooding or oral incubation is a reproductive strategy found in certain species of fishes and amphibians. It is also known as buccal incubation also. They protect the eggs inside their mouth until they hatch and ready for their survival. Males who take care of eggs are known as Paternal mouthbrooders and female who looks after the eggs are known as maternal mouthbrooders.

Cichlids : Female cichlids protect their eggs inside their mouths.Mother cichlids release the fry into the water as the eggs hatched.

Darwin’s Frog : These are paternal mouthbrooders. Males take fertilized eggs into their mouths and hatch them. Then the tadpoles are released into the eco system.

Sea Catfish : These are maternal mouthbrooders. Females of this species keep eggs in their mouths until they hatch.

Jawfish : These are paternal mouthbrooders. Male jawfish keep fertilised eggs in their mouths. They release their hatchlings when they fully developed to live independently in aquatic environment.

Goby Fish : Some of the gobies use their mouths to shelter them until they get self dependent and ready to venture into the water.

Giant Gourami : These fish are dedicated mouthbrooders, carrying their eggs and young in their mouths to keep them safe from predators.

Cardinalfish : The fishes of this species also keep their eggs in mouth until they hatch. It help them to save their young ones.

Seahorses : Male seahorses keeps eggs in their brood pouch. Babies were developed from the fertilized eggs comes out from an opening near the mouth of seahorses.

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